(silence, the King cometh)
"People of Xbox 360 for long you have been under the leadership of false Prophets. But a reckoning is coming to the traitors, and King Crysis III is here to provide "freedom", protection, and prosperity to those wise enough to pay the King's Tax***
These taxes (sacrifice of lives) will be high, but I assure the proletariat that this is a tax of the high noble classes (aristocracy) and families throughout the kingdom. This is a tax aimed specifically towards those that have gained so much and sacrificed so little to the Death Toll. Sir Shofz and Sir Beef of family Queen will also be spared for their continued deference to me and my house of representatives, and for their unwavering humility--- I could learn a thing or two from them.
Those under the umbrella of Family NFCT and X will of course be spared. Sir Enemyo has been recommissioned to serve as the King's hand, and trusted advisor. Every Kingdom needs a good henchman, one not afraid to take out the trash and get their hands dirty in doing so.
In the coming weeks there will be a revival of competitiveness throughout the community. Those resting on their laurels will find that while they were getting fat on low level talent, Kings were readying for battle. Only one can serve on the Iron Throne, but rest assured King Crysis The Third of Family NFCT is here to claim authority over all remaining kingdoms within the realm. I bid you all, my children, farewell."
(prepares high horse for travel, and leaves the podium)