Hello all. I am looking for a Kvatch Rebuild mod that I can load to a flash drive and place on my pc I play Oblivion on. I recently tried "kvatch afermath 1.31 final" and could not get to work for anything (I tried severl times, and ways...no go). if some one could help, or point me to a path that works, AWSOME. Thanks in advance
There are three Kvatch rebuilding mods that are well-known. Kvatch Aftermath, Kvatch Rebuilt and Kvatch Rising.
You tried Kvatch Aftermath 1.31 Final. Well the latest version is actually v7.8 so if you want to use Kvatch Aftermath then you need to have the latest version. Kvatch Rising is by the same author as Kvatch Aftermath and was made after Aftermath, Rising is at v2.0.3. Both Aftermath and Rising can be downloaded from the same site, http://www.theengineeringguild.co.uk/index.php.
Kvatch Rebuilt is the third Kvatch rebuilding mod, currently at v2.1.2 and available http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/15412. A new version of Rebuilt is due to be released very soon however, so if you want Rebuilt then best to keep an eye on that page and wait for the update.
Some mods are provided in ZIP archives, these can be read by Windows but are poorly compressed so tend to be larger in file size than they need to be. Most mods are provided in 7zip archives, and these require that you install either http://www.7-zip.org/download.html (recommended, and totally free) or http://www.rarlab.com/download.htm (there should be a trial version available for free).
None of the mods require the internet to work, but if your computer doesn't recognise the file type (because it's 7zip archive for example) then Windows will automatically suggest going online to find a program that can extract the archive.
You can safely connect your other computer to the internet. Just because it is connected to the internet does not mean that your photos and other stuff will become available for everybody to access. None of your photos and files will be accessible by other people through the internet so you do not need to worry about this at all.