- CPU: Intel Core i7 3610QM @2.30 GHz
- GPU: Nvidia GTX 670m 3GB (this is a gaming laptop)
- RAM: 12 GB DDR3
- OS: Windows 8 Pro (64-bit)
- Hard Drive: 7200 rpm 500GB (+ I got a 250GB Solid State, but my Crysis 2 is on the Hard Drive)
Oh, and I run the game from Steam.
My first guess was that I should stop overclocking my computer too much, but nothing changed when I stopped. Another guess was that something was overheating, but then my game would crash not only just in MP. Is it a problem with Windows 8? I got the DirectX 11 patch for the game, that did nothing (game crashing wise). Plus, many of my other high-end games (Far Cry 3, Metro 2033, etc.) run fine without crashing on my OS.
So if anyone has any idea of what might be happening, please speak up, I don't want this to keep happening, ESPECIALLY is Crysis 3. Thanks