» Tue Mar 23, 2010 2:02 pm
I dunno, I guess maybe I just got lucky - it took me a while to find joseph, but at least when I finally did, he was quite happy to power up the computer for me. Of course, it then took me like 30 attempts at hacking the computer to find the right password. ( Man I hate the password hacking mini-game. Until I got to almost 100 Science, I swear I could basically find no better method of hacking then to just randomly try three different passwords, then close the terminal before lockout, re-open it, and try 3 more random passwords. The 'clues' they give you seem mostly useless most of the time. About the only benefit I managed to get out of the clues is that, let's say there were a bunch of words ending in -ing, or -ion, and I picked one of those words and it said 1/X matches, then I at least can figure out that the correct word doesn't end with that suffix - I guess that's a slight help, but still seemed like there was a high degree of random guessing till you hope you eventually get lucky).