Drawing inspiration from very thoughtful posts by a (former?) Bethesda forum user (nickname: Sycandre), putting together the features of a few mods, upon the foundation of the vanilla persuasion system, ...
I've found a way (in a .esp-less form

We have 7 attributes (besides Luck, of course), and they represent the body and the mind of our character, right?
And we have 4 persuasion methods (admire, taunt, intimidate, bribe), right?
So, what I thought is: "What about adding 10 methods (from mods), so that we have 14 methods? That way, we have a multiple of 7 (7X2=14), and we can make it so a pair of methods can be associated (rationally, when possible) with each attribute.
The end result is as follows:
-whoever has a high STRENGTH attribute will be more apt to INTIMIDATE people (vanilla Morrowind method, which can boost a npc's disposition temporarily, and it actually is dependant on Strenght for its success - see TESwiki) or THREATEN FOR MONEY (a method included in the Advanced Persuasion mod (http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Mods.Detail&id=6489) (whose readme actually says "The amount of gold and the chance of success depend on your Strenght").
As you see, I've tried to associate each method with the most suited attribute.
- whoever has a high PERSONALITY attribute will be more apt to ADMIRE (a vanilla Morrowind method, "Admire is mainly based on personality" - see TESwiki, and it aims to boost a npc's diposition permanently) or HIRE a non-guild-related follower (a method allowed by the Npc functionality mod (http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=mods.detail&id=6859). Why non-guild-related follower? Because in another of my pretend-mods, I already let myself hire anyone in my guild after I am the master of that guild (maybe after a bit of training them and sending them to questing, both features of Antares' big mod)
- whoever has a high SPEED attribute will presumably be more quick in thinking, so he will be more apt to TAUNT (a vanilla Morrowind method, used to fight someone without being the offender) or CORRUPT GUARDS (a method included in Advanced persuasion mod used to avoid being arrested)
- whoever has a high INTELLIGENCE attribute will be more capable of choosing the best GIFT to accommodate someone's peculiar tastes in order to obtain something else from him or just to boost his disposition (a method allowed by the Gift exchange mod (http://morrowind.nexusmods.com/mods/27263), or will be able to BARTER WITH NON-MERCHANT NPC'S FOR QUEST ITEMS (a method allowed by the mod Improved bartering (http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=mods.detail&id=5498))
- whoever has a high ENDURANCE will be more patient (is this too much stretching, or is it a reasonable reasoning if one thinks of endurance as resistance?) and as a result he will be more apt to BEG FOR MONEY (a method included in Advanced persuasion mod) and APOLOGIZE to npc's for whenever it makes sense doing so (for a small disposition boost, a method included in Advanced persuasion mod)
- whoever has a high WILLPOWER attribute will be able to argue with people on money for a long time better than the average person, thus he will be apt to BRIBE (a vanilla Morrowind method that is the more difficult to succeed the more rich the person we are dealing with - see TESwiki) or INVEST IN BUSINESS (a method added through the addition of the Merchant investments mod (http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Mods.Detail&id=6837)
- whoever has a high AGILITY attribute, with his natural gesture skills, will be apt to get someone to DUEL in the Vivec arena (a method added by the To the death mod (http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Mods.Detail&id=4910)), or to ROB people in their houses (a method added by the mod You're being robbed (http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Mods.Detail&id=5593); warning: you will have to wear a black scarf sold in Balmora at Ra'virr's, and your success will heavily depend on the difference between your level and the level of the Npc)
And what about the Speechcraft skill? Besides governing the chance of success, it also dictates how many persuasion methods a character has at his disposal: in a manner similar to Oblivion perks, you have the following:
- below 25 in the skill, your character can only use the methods associated with his highest attribute (2 methods);
- between 25 and 49, your character can use the methods associated with his 2 highest attributes (4 methods);
- between 50 and 74, your character can use the methods associated with his 3 highest attributes (6 methods);
- between 75 and 99, your character can use the methods associated with his 4 highest attributes (8 methods);
- at 100 Speechcraft, your character can use the methods associated with his 5 highest attributes (10 methods).
Of course, the rule I suggest is: don't spam your persuasion checks (i.e. try once, if it fails do not repeat it).
What do you think about this system I came up with? It's my best "mod", and a roleplaying one, so don't be rude.