Can they make a non-bug-ridden campaign?

Post » Sun Jan 13, 2013 8:42 am

Can they make a single player game that's not bug-ridden?

I really enjoyed the campaign, despite the often extremely frustrating bugs. The thing is, it could have been *so* much better. Longer, with a decent story for starters. (like C1)

Also, I can only speak for the campaign, and specifically only for the PS3, but I imagine many of these bugs, and others are enjoyable cross-platform. I hear the multiplayer is a tad buggy too, anyway.

You can still walk around with a silenced pistol, cloak, move, shoot from the hip, and the bullet will go wherever you were last aiming before you cloaked!

Nevermind if you're trying to move or even hit a moving target, because your bullets will literally go *behind* where you're aming when you pull the trigger.

Sometimes if you shoot one of the aliens worth 300 nanites or whatever, they just ignore it. Unload an entire clip from the unsilenced sniper rifle from 10 feet away into his face, at which point I'm empty, so he comes at me and kills me.

Half the time, when you're cloaked and just get a bead on some bad guy/alien, they instantly move, and they do other psychic garbage like that, that's just stupid. (Ok other games do that too, but it's pretty bad here, and really should NOT be.)

Sure, they fixed the bug that forced you to lose the silenced pistol, arguably they most important weapon in the game, but that took like... what.. a month or two? I'd already played the campaign 3 or 4 times, and I take my time.

These are just some of the ones that majorly affected gameplay and enjoyment, there are dozens and dozens of other frustrating and annoying bugs.

Things like
- sniper scopes on the ground after switching
- distance to blue objectives being way out, then correcting
- can't pick up C4 in some places
- that "MOVE UP, GO!" non-stop even if you take out the alien ship in semper-fi (they actually fixed *that* one in the last patch (v1.03))
- hide somewhere and de-cloak, cloak again, completely unseen, yet guys/aliens will come and look where you were standing, and even stand on the exact spot
- cloak tracker isn't a bug, but it's a joke. so are others. even armor is pretty sad, but armor enhance and deflection? And air-friction is ONLY useful for the bug it has that lets you jump up 3 times higher than normal
- the mice run around 1 foot off the ground, nevermind they do it on the ocean floor too
- I still have 13/15 weapon attachments, am I really missing 2 still? (after probably over 20 playthroughs)

There are at least 3 weird/continuity screwups

- I loved the radio dude, but two of the broadcasts are clearly out of order, he talks about the hi-tech stuff on the streets being alien or something, and later announces the new hi-tech stuff seen on the streets.
- In "train to catch" when you go through the decontamination area, some of the guys start choking and saying "what the heck is going on" but then nothing happens
- at the end, when you jump into the final spore tower, the guy says something about ripping out some cyber-cables or some such thing - where the heck did that come from?

Let's not even talk about the AI.

But enough of all that, there's lots more, but... do they even care? Doesn't seem so.

I'm saying this because if you compare this to the other end of the scale, say... Metal Gear Solid 4 - Rock solid, smooth, polished... Why is it they could produce such an awesome, clearly very solid game, and Crytek can only come up with this bug-ridden, lame, err.. release. - I also say that while acknowledging that they did still manage to make the actual gameplay somewhat fun. Practically a freakin' miracle given the state of the product.

I really hope for something better, it's so sad to see all that potential go to waste.
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Anne marie
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