It doesn't matter which gun, or what attachment - I tried equiping the SCAR with the hologram under-barrel, and it crashed. The FY(something) assault rifle i tried to attach the laser-sight to, and it crashed - the only thing under the attachments option that doesn't seem to crash my game is when I select a weapon skin

Now, If i decide to not equip any weapon attachments, I can get into a game and play just fine - played for an hour last night just to see if it crashed in-game and everything was ok!
If you need my specs, they are (yes - I'm way overdue for an upgrade, i Know!!):
Windows 7 Ultiamte 64bit
AMD Phenom II x4 940 Processor - 3.00Ghz
3.00GB RAM
GeForce 9500GT (Updated Drivers and all that)
Please - if anyone knows what could be causing this please let me know! I've tried searching all over the web, but haven't seemed to find anyone else with a similar problem

Thanks guys!!!