Can′t run Crysis 2 ME ′cause of Origin

Post » Sun Jan 20, 2013 7:34 pm

Hi there!
I bought a original key and tiyped it in Origin: It downloaded, so i have played the story mode.
On the next day I wanted to play it again, but I can′t!
I tried to run it again and again, but Origin didn′t launch it:

First it tried to start, but then it says that I must login in Origin. After that it opened a window: Enter your key! - I entered it very often (of course it was the right key), but => "this key is still used" => cause its mine!!!!
Because of this it won′t start!!!

=> The game isn′t showed under "my games"
=> The game is installed
=> The game is an original

I′m very lucky to get some help!
thx ; )
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Kara Payne
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