Birthsign: Atronach
Specialization: Stealth
Favored attributes: Intelligence, Luck
Major skills: Mysticism, Light Armor, Marksman, Sneak, Speechcraft
Minor skills: Security, Alteration, Illusion, Acrobatics, Enchant
Here's what I'm thinking:
I want to make a character that has no reliance upon melee combat, whose primary means of attack is a bow. I did some research and general consensus says that archery is a very viable tactic. They also, however, almost all recommended Short Blade or Spear as a backup skill, mostly for earlier levels. I however, do not want to do that. I think it'll be an interesting challenge/restriction. I didn't want to use Destruction either, because it's an offensive combat skill. I decided that I would take Mysticism for the Absorb Health spell and use it On Touch as my "melee" backup, plus Mysticism has many other valuable uses, unlike Destruction which seems to be solely offensive.
My plan is to use magic as support, and I think (for the most part) the skills I have chosen play into that well. I'm thinking about switching Security for Alchemy or Restoration, and if I were to make Enchant a major instead of Speechcraft, I wouldn't have to choose between Alchemy or Restoration.
Conjuration also looks appealing, but I don't want to dabble in summoning meatshields. I'd use it for the Bound Bow and Turn Undead spells. So I don't think I would need it as a major/minor.
I have Security there because I would indeed like to be able to open most (if not all) chests I come across, but I could just as easily use a scroll or Open spell, so it's iffy. I think Alchemy (for magicka/health potions) might be better.
Acrobatics seems practical. I can control its leveling and I think the jump height could assist in climbing and getting to higher ground if necessary, but I'm not entirely sure. Does anyone have any experience with Acrobatics?
How does Enchant work as a minor? Should I have it as a major instead? I would like to enchant my weapons and armors, but I don't think I'd get around to it until I'm a mid-/higher-level.
I realize that I'm going to rely heavily on magicka, so perhaps the Atronach sign wouldn't be the best to take without Alchemy... And I'm thinking about favoring Agility over Luck to improve archery at lower levels. Do any of you have any input?
Thanks for reading!