Now, apparently, as far as I what I have read on other forums and messages I have received in-game from various Crysis 2 players, many people think that the melee function of the game is overpowered, cheap, and unfair for most people.
However, I wanted to share my views on this point of view. Yes, I myself find that whenever I do get meleed there is only a very small window to react especially if I go up against a person like Manstee (sorry Manstee only person I could think of) who uses the so-called "melee glitch" where you switch weapons in between punches to punch even faster. Although, I may get killed a couple of times through this technique there is still one simple fact: the melee function and even the melee glitch is available to everyone. Everyone can use it if they are willing to try and learn it. I'm not saying that everyone should start using the melee glitch at all times to upset everyone, but the primary reason I ask everyone to please learn this "glitch" is that it helps you to overcome it when you are presented with an enemy that uses it. Remember, to know thine enemy you must think like thine enemy.
Now if you are one of the people who are just not willing to try and adapt to using melee to stay alive against other melee-crazy enemies, then I also have a different solution that I use on a VERY frequent basis in actual matches that does work many times and people that played against me in Manstee's recent 1v1 tournament that I won can confirm these tactics.
The first thing I suggest is to become more comfortable with using your visor in order to tag enemies. I tag enemies on a very frequent basis whenever they come across my vision. It is very easy and lasts for about 20 seconds before the mark goes away giving you plenty of decision-making time to intercept and kill your enemy.
The second thing I suggest is to not use your eyes to spot your enemies but instead use your hearing. The sound in this game is much more efficient than the visuals in the game primarily because of lag and other visual limitations from the PS3 itself. I guarantee you that many people use stealth enhance and other stealth modules instead of using a module called Covert Ops that reduces the sound of your footsteps that I use. Because of this you can hear people much better than you see them and can indeed save your lives by allowing you to know the general direction or actions your enemy is taking.
The third thing I might suggest is that if you can't go around the map without being meleed then let the people who melee come to you. Because they are using melee they will be forced to come to you and I guarantee most will be in stealth. This is a tactic I use very often. Many times if I find a stealthed enemy around me then they will most likely see me so I just let them run around and let them come to me. Most of the time they just waste all of their energy running in stealth and its very easy for me to just shoot them with a couple bullets as they come at me. Some people even lay C4 at their feet and wait for stealthed enemies to come. Then they jump out of the way and blow the C4 up and that works just as efficiently. You can also see what Demon_of_Elliruu does where he instinctively allows stealthed enemies to come to him and blow with a grenade launcher. This is also very efficient and most enemies won't be able to anticipate this. As you can see there are many options to disarming anyone who comes to melee you and it doesn't take very much. Some of these tactics may seem cheap or downright unfair to some people, but really is it anymore "cheap" than you getting meleed over and over again by different enemies while you refuse to try and adapt to these situations? A rolling stone gathers no moss...
Now like I said before I am not meaning to insult or offend anyone by sharing these opinions and tactics but the fact of the matter is melee really isn't all that overpowered. It only possesses the power that you give to others if you don't employ more conservative tactics along with a healthy blend of aggressive tactics. I can and will make new videos soon on my Youtube channel of Crysis 2 to show all of you the employment of these tactics in actual live matches. I'll also ask many high levels out there to private matches so I can show it even works on higher level people that melee alot.
Trust me when I say these tactics and ideas do work very well as I rarely get meleed and most of the times I can fend off meleeing enemies giving me the high k/d ratio of 6.10 that I have.
Please ask or respond with any questions or concerns or if you'd like to go into a private match with me so I can show you how effective these tactics are when employed in a match. Please be constructive in any replies and not just be a jerk. I'm just stating simple facts that help me to be very successful in Crysis 2.
My Youtube channel is at if you guys would like to see some Crysis 2 videos of me from last year in October, however as those videos are not recent, I play alot smarter and differently than I do in those videos. I will start to do Crysis 2 videos again very soon as soon as I have time since I'm studying for AP tests.