I was looking into the http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/36922 and http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/38049 mods and both seem to have an issue with NavMeshes, yet the issue isn't apparent. Unless I am merely ignorant, there is no way to edit a NavMesh on-the-fly, thus dynamically dropping obstacles onto a NavMesh is going to cause a problem. I suppose one could simply setup a fort in the GECK and use the NPC features of RTS and WD.
What I really want to do is improve upon the idea. I am looking for feedback from users of RTS and WD, as well as feedback from others who had their reasons for not playing those two mods.
A friend told me about a concept of the player stronghold from an AD&D. He said, "[A] level 1 fighter is a nobody[, but a] level 25 fighter is probably a minor lord." Hence the idea for a Courier's Stronghold. I suppose the courier will have reach a certain level before being able to recruit guards and take-on dependents. I would like this to reflect the play style of the player. For instance, the player could do a better job of protecting the wasteland than the NCR or he could become a slaver. And if the player becomes a slaver, then he might attract the attention of the NCR for trading with the Legion.
I have yet to play as character that does anything against the NCR, so I don't know how that works in the vanilla. I am going to start a new run-through and try to be a bad guy, in order to become more familiar with the concept. On this new run-through, I will include http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/40593. If anyone knows of any mods that will lend to the dark character experience, I would like to hear the suggestions.
I am not a fan of hardcoe mode--being forced to eat, drink and sleep is not my idea of fun, but I will try to keep the hardcoe players in mind.
I have learned how to do some level editing--interiors and exterior. I have worked with, NavMeshes, SCOLs, Room Bounds and portals, but I have not worked with new world spaces. I was working on a project that had very large interior sections and I had to do some work to reduce performance loss. I can script as well. NVSE will most likely be a requirement. I have no experience with editing NPC's, but I can learn. The only real obstacle for creation would be voice acting and lip syncing. If I stick to using only Vanilla resources, meshes won't be a problem. I am somewhat familiar with making master files for Oblivion, but I have no clue as to how this differs in Fallout New Vegas.
I posted this in the mod section rather than the GECK section, because this more about concepts for a mod rather than getting help using the GECK. I apologize in advance if I made I made a poor decision.
Tips or suggestions are welcome. Thank you in advance.