Crysis 2 settings resett upon exiting game

Post » Fri Jan 25, 2013 8:05 am


I have had a problem for a while now with Crysis 2.
This Christmas I decided to play through all Crysis games again to prepare for Crysis 3.
So when it was Crysis 2's turn I played the game for some hours, then it was time for a pause.
Well, when I so started the game again later that day, all save gamees where gone, all settings were resett. It looked like it was the first time I started the game.
Also the it says that the Serial Key is invalid on the login page. i enter the key, logs inn. Sett every setting again. Play a little, exits the game and the start it again. And yet again, every thing is resett.

I have installed the game through Origin. Could this perhaps be the problem? I originally bought it in stores on release date and registered it with Origin some time after Battlefield 3 was launched.
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Chad Holloway
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