Her name is Stacy jones and she's really pretty. She has the default 1 female face with blonde wendy the welder hair. I took the four eyes perk because I she needs glasses and it adds to roleplaying that she always wears her glasses.
She's in the followers of the apocalypse and she will support the NCR. she's level 18.
I just did honest hearts and it was so hard.
I play normal and on hardcoe mode.
I got there and my entire group got killed but me! So now I have to do this whole DLC on my own and then a yaoigui killed follows chalk and a cazadore came and I have a fear of cazadores they freak me out! Then the sorrows naked lady got killed by a green gecko and white gloves and the white gloves where everywhere and I kept getting shot and I ran out of ammo! I ran the whole dlc and let my followers kill the enemies but my followers died. They make these dlcs too hard I hate honest hearts. I don't know why I even made Stacy take that trip. That was so out of character. Like by the time you get to new Vegas. Your courier is rich and lives in the lucky 38 with house. Why would they go to Utah as a caravan guard for 250 caps if there a rich person.
It just felt so unnatural for my spunky young successful doctor girl to go there.
I'm excited to do dead money and pretend she will think the Sierra Madre is a active hotel still running and she heard the ad on the radio and she wanted to stay at the resort and thats how she gets taken there!
Ill keep everyone updated.