CTD when Equipping Item from Inventory (especially a torch?)

Post » Sun Jan 27, 2013 1:24 pm


I swear I have searched for this one... here, UESP, Google... but I haven't had any luck. I thought this might be a familiar problem or a known bug, but it's not looking that way. Anyway, I really did try to find an answer before starting this thread, and I apologize if it has been addressed many times before.

The subject pretty much covers it. When I equip an item by dropping it on my character's pic in the inventory, I occasionally get a CTD. With torches, it's not occasional; it's quite frequent! I've been playing Morrowind for several months now, and I sometimes had this problem with my first real character. But that character used tons of magic, and so she almost never used torches for light. The crash would show up every once in a while, but it was infrequent and I just chalked it up to "well, that's why you save a lot in TES games!"

But I just started a new character, more of a warrior type, and he definitely uses torches. In the last hour, the game has CTD'd 5 times, all after trying to equip a torch from the inventory. That's a bit much, and so here I am.

I don't run a very heavily modded game... mainly just some "essential" stuff and a few aesthetic improvements. In fact, I'm experimenting with the vanilla leveling system this time around, so I actually have 3 fewer ESP's in my load order (GCD and its optional plugins were removed). This character was created after I updated my load order, so it should not be an issue with the save.

So, is this something you folks have seen before? Is there something that can be done, or should I just hotkey torches and move on? That would be an acceptable option for this character, I think.

If more is needed I'll get the info together, but I didn't want to print a ton of superfluous text just yet. Thanks in advance!
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Sami Blackburn
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