It's getting predictable seeing post after post about things that may or may not happen. We know there are no perfect games. There's always something we think can be different and maybe we're right. But come on: Have you people played MOHW or FC3? THANK YOU CRYTEK. I know there were huge problems with Crysis 2 at launch and for at least a year. I get it. Get over it. Want to bich about Crysis 3? Please go play something else.
We at ODG fully support Crytek and what they're doing. We'll make it work. I meet some great guys on our server today. Guys who have been playing the game for a couple of years that were helping the new guys out. That's what it's all about. Not all of the biching and complaining that people throw at the game makers.
ODG has your back Crytek!