For me it was the game beetwen "campers" BF3 and skill Quake, so really good choise to someone that hate "modern warfare" FPS's as mentioned BF3 or all series CoD
Now you make me down ...
Beta of C3 is a lot worst that beta C2, that i was impressed of, now i did some test so played few times both of them and for me C2 is the progress not C3 ...
Why dont you implement the gun damage and scale from C2 ? it was really good balanced, now there is no weapon exept shotgun and sniper around, where is SCAR !!! now exept sniper or bow there is no weapon that effect anyone that is in the middle of map
Also why you choose to bring down cloak ? now once i move cloaked it makes me at least 20% running slower, why ? it was the best think that was between the else FPS so why you choose to disabled ?
I see much progress between C2 and C3 but only for optimization, not gameplay so that makes me bad, you dont listen your community or listen bad ppl, as most of them wants "clear" gameplay as was on C2, now there is not !!!