( it′s probably not appreciated that i create a whole new topic just for my misery, but maybe you could help me out nevertheless? )
I only have a "Lenovo Ideapad Y580" here were i study, but i would rly love to play Crysis 3 (beta) with it ...
Specs are:
- Intel Core i7-3610QM, 4x 2.30GHz
- NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660M 2GB
- 4 GB RAM
- (Win7, 64 Bit)
Just yesterday i downloaded a whole new beta driver by nvidia but it still wont work properly ...
I′m rly not much into that computer stuff, but as they call it "gaming laptop" and 1000€ was quite a price I thought that I could at least play Crysis 3 on low ...
... But NO!
I have everything on low, disabled AA, vsync, motion blure etc. etc. ...
still i only have like 5-10 fps ... sometimes it seems to be faster, sometimes it drops down.
What I wanna know: Is it that my notebook just can′t take it? (i also could only play Chivalry on low!!) or is just something wrong with configuration?? ( and how could i make it work than?)
Any help i very much appreciated and sry for my english,