Bring back the original nanosuit powers and UNIFIED energy.

Post » Sat Feb 02, 2013 10:53 am

Imo the total noobification of the suit has ruined the game.It's no longer a choice between powers,it's ALL the powers together.You don't need to know when to do anything
Also speed is crucial for some manuevers and evading,and made firefights harder instead of random spraying

The best balance would be like Crysis 1,where you have one energy pool,and 5 powers instead of the two now.

For the people that never player Crysis 1

(You activate one of them,they are not all activated)

Cloak = Same as now,walking drains energy
Armor = Same as now,getting hit drains energy
Speed = Passive movement bonus when active,doesn't drain energy.Extreme speed when sprinting = drains energy very quickly
Strengh = much stronger melee,ridiculous jump heights,throw things further,recoil reduction.Drains with each action

Think of this,it would almost solve all suit related gameplay problems.It solves

- People cloaking all the time
- Dying in the open(sprint helps now)
- Cloaking after armor depleted and escaping
- Auto armor activating when cloaked
- Melee too easy (needs strenght mode now for current damage)
- Recoil management of some weapons

My 2 cents
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Steve Bates
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