Maybe my findings are wrong, I would love for someone who has actually played the beta to prove me false. I'm just stating that from the promises we've had of a new HUD, and a "fixed" melee, these have truly only been half met, in my eyes. The "new" HUD is just a slightly edited version of the Crysis 2 HUD. If you don't believe me, feel free to compare the two in screenshots. People have called Crysis 3 "Crysis 2.5" for its use of the old HUD, but I instead call this "new" HUD the "Crysis 2.5 HUD", as it really hasn't changed much. Look at the drastic change from C1 to C2, and then look at the change from C2 to C3...some changes...And then the melee, at least in my findings, hasn't changed a bit.
Again, anyone is free to prove me wrong, as I'd love to find out my words are just psychotic ravings. But I just don't see the Crysis 3 melee as balanced, or even changed, from Crysis 2.