I have no decisions to make now, armor or stealth? I've only played a cupple of houres of the beta, but it is allready boring me, I'm going to keep playing and wait for improvements, but it needs alot of improvements imo.
I never played Crysis 1, so i dont know how awesome it was with the 5 different powers, but now you have two powers, with different energy pools, it is too easy! i liked that Crysis 2 was unforgiving, if you were too much in stealth, you had no armor mode for combat, and vise versa.
I know they cant make the same game twice with a cupple of new features, but please dont ruin it by changing the game "core"! It does feel like a new franchise, not a sequal to Crysis 2.
Before playing the beta i was 100% sure i was going to buy it, now it is more like 50/50.
Instead of going after a completely new audience, try to keep some old players in, and recruit some new ones. I think they will lose just as many Crysis 1 and 2 players, as they gain new players, ofcourse they make the same ammount of money, but the FPS community loses a unique game.
Crysis 3 has become just another FPS
So some constructive criticism:
- Bring back the single energy pool
- Bring back the "normal" sound, it feels like it is just some random noise instead of the noise around you
- Sprint and jump costs energy
Thanks for reading, leave a comment if you have somthing constructive to say