I actually have this book and find myself lost in some of the content. I think it would make an awesome addition to the game, but might be better for TES V. Any of you read the book?
Yes, I read it. It would not make an "awesome addition to the game" because it has nothing to do with Oblivion. There are no similar characters, etc. So yeah, it would be better for TES V, but they aren't going to relive the events of the book via
I would like to, but I find myself unwilling to shell out $10-$14 for a http://search.barnesandnoble.com/The-Infernal-City/Greg-Keyes/e/9780345508010/?itm=1&usri=elder+scrolls.
It was a good yet quick read. And 10 isn't that much for a book. :shrug:
But I think the rest can be said in the http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=1061320 from now on.