As both videos are in German, I thought it was better to drop the info in one of the existing C3 threads

Germans PC sites have have played through the SP carreer of Crysis 3 and by the sound of it, ze Germans PC gamers sound impressed, as in improvement over C2. They are not allowed to talk about everything, no full reviews yet.
PC Games
PC Games Hardware
No time for full translation, but few key talking points:
Stunning looking, the wow factor is back, as in dying a lot by standing and just looking at the environment ,lots of detail everywhere, tessellation, pixel accurate bump mapping, textures (better than C2 dx11), lighting and silly things as character pupils adjusting when going from dark/light areas. Heavy on performance, everything adjustable and at low it still looks good.
Gameplay similar to C2 but few changes, no more press right mouse to lean when in cover for example, still crouch(toggle) and no lying, free choices in gameplay, larger levels and also more vertical gameplay than in C2(destroyed buildings with multiple floors- dam level), steath options menu 9 levels of adjustments (?)
Story OK, did not sound like he thinks it is Oscar worthy, but Character (phrophet) that talks to you adds more to it, compared to C2.
More info and videos were announced to come later.