Often while traveling you find the need to sleep, but with no nearby beds, you have to travel all the way to a known friendly location, and then travel back. Realisticly speaking, you can't make that much progress when you spend most of your time traveling back and forth between your destination and your bed, so I propose a sleeping bag. An a item you carry around and when you drop it, it's there on the ground ready to be slept in. You look at it and click the action button, and then two options will pop up: pick it up or sleep in it. Pretty simple and I think it goes along very well with the immersion aspect.
My second idea is more of a graphical request: holstering a pistol puts it at you hip with with any other weapon you sling it across your back. These two things aren't exclusive, but in FO3 you can only have 1 at a time. My suggestion is that you can have both at once.