I have the original game on retail disc but am wanting to get the dlc's and expansion. It would be cheaper for me to just get it through steam, especially since they have a 25% off sale on the goty deluxe edition.
My question is, is the steam version more prone to problems than a retail disc? Is it more prone to lag or anything?
You might want the Elder Scrolls GOTY Deluxe Edition of both Morrowind and Oblivion with all the official DLC there is released even the Battlehorn Castle DLC is included for the both games. But remember to get this http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=29388 for Morrowind if you want to use it.
The only thing I know there is no problem with Steam is http://obse.silverlock.org/, because it have it's own solution included with the latest http://obse.silverlock.org/download/obse_0019b.zip version.
I've heard some mods or tools can probably cause you problem, but I'm not sure what mod or tools that should be a problem.