Opinions on my new character type/strategy.

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:47 am

Race: Imperial (I just prefer being a human, in addition to the voice of the emperor perk being useful)
Sign: Thief
Specialization: Stealth

Class: Custom

-All majors are strictly unused to preserve level one throughout play

-Character will use: 1. Marksman 2. Blade 3. Alchemy 4. Sneak 5. Armorer 6. Illusion 7. Heavy Armor 8. Security 9. Speechcraft 10. Mercantile 11. Acrobatics 12. Athletics (Leaving nine unused skills to choose from for majors)

--Note-- Some skills are unavoidable due to game, which is why I included them above. EX. Need security to open doors, running requires athletics, etc...

Items: Umbra's ebony armor, enchanted ebony bow from vendor in Bravil, Hands of the Atronach from vendor in Imperial city, Honorblade of Chorrol, *no shield selected at this point*, no helmet because I think the ebony helmet looks ugly, Cruelty's Heart amulet, Black Band and Weatherward circlet for rings, and the Boots of Springheel Jack might also make it into the mix at some point.

Play style: Stealth supported by a blade when necessary, in addition to illusion for persuasion and minor chameleon spells. Plan on becoming a vampire at some point to further boost stats. All factions will be join and completed as well as any other quests allowed by level one characters. Any additional quests will be play at the end when I am forced to level in order to start them.

*Also note that I plan one killing umbra at some point and returning the sword for the Daedric item needed to complete the main quest. And the game will be played at default difficulty unless it becomes too easy, in which case I will increase it.*

Please tell me your opinions no matter how harsh they may be, I am still on the character creation screen now and I want a few outside sources before I seal the deal. I also checked out the UESP Wikipedia page for the best level one items available and considered them in my class creation. That's all I can think of and thanks in advance for you input! :)
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Nicole Kraus
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:16 am

You might want to consider the jewel of the Rumare ring, from the related quest in weye. water breathing is good to have.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:45 am

Sounds like some challenges, but you also seem to understand both the challenges and the game pretty well. I would miss seeing the higher level enemies and some of the equipment, but that's just me.

I normally take three majors that I max, three that I never use, and one that I only use to fine tune my leveling. The purpose in my case is to cap my level to 20 or 23. So, I understand limiting leveling via major selection.

For 'don't use' majors, I usually pick these: h2h, blunt, speechcraft. I suppose an unused armor type could be another choice. In your case it sounds like some of the magic schools can fill in the gaps.

Alteration is interesting because if you use security for lockpicking and have alteration as a major, you never need to use it depending on how you play - what I mean is that all the effects I really want from it are available (because it is over 25 as a major) - shield, elemental shields, night eye, light, water walk, water breathe. Therefore it is easy to craft items that provide those effects without ever casting an alteration spell or leveling up the skill. If you intend to enchant at all, I would recommend you consider this. Similarly, if you ever intend to enchant a weapon, you might consider taking both mysticism (soul trap) and destruction (damage) as majors - again, you don't ever have to cast a spell with them, but having them at 25 (at least) will give you more enchantment options at the alters. Of course if you never intend to enchant anything yourself, none of this makes a diff.

For a level one bow, I understand the Bow of Infliction. It is an ebony bow with crap enchantments you can buy at level one in Bravil. There are a couple other possibilities depending on how you play that can get you good damage at level one but are still enchantable. A permabound bow does a base damage of 15 and weighs 0. A grummite bow does a base damage of 17 and weighs 5. For comparison, the Bow of Infliction does a base damage of 18. Grummite bows are found on (duh) grummites but ONLY if you are on PC with SI and the SI UOP installed; otherwise grummites carry crap iron bows.

Assuming you want to enchant things, I would consider the following list of 'never use' majors in your case:
h2h, blunt, speechcraft, destruction, mysticism, destruction, alteration.
Again, you never have to cast a spell from any of those major magic schools, but the higher values can help at the enchanting alters.

Another thing to think about if you craft spells is that a custom spell can only level one school and you can maniuplate which school that is to some degree. It will take the school of the effect with the most base strength. Say for example you don't want to level destruction. You could make a combo spell that has a very powerful demoralize component on it plus a weak but long lasting package of destruction damage on it. The spell would damage (destruction) your enemy as he runs away (illusion), but the spell, if built properly could be an illusion spell and would not level your destruction skill up a bit. Save before you make such spells to ensure the game gives it the school you intend - if not, tweak it some.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:12 am

One topic is all that is needed thanks.

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Ashley Campos
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