Sign: Thief
Specialization: Stealth
Class: Custom
-All majors are strictly unused to preserve level one throughout play
-Character will use: 1. Marksman 2. Blade 3. Alchemy 4. Sneak 5. Armorer 6. Illusion 7. Heavy Armor 8. Security 9. Speechcraft 10. Mercantile 11. Acrobatics 12. Athletics (Leaving nine unused skills to choose from for majors)
--Note-- Some skills are unavoidable due to game, which is why I included them above. EX. Need security to open doors, running requires athletics, etc...
Items: Umbra's ebony armor, enchanted ebony bow from vendor in Bravil, Hands of the Atronach from vendor in Imperial city, Honorblade of Chorrol, *no shield selected at this point*, no helmet because I think the ebony helmet looks ugly, Cruelty's Heart amulet, Black Band and Weatherward circlet for rings, and the Boots of Springheel Jack might also make it into the mix at some point.
Play style: Stealth supported by a blade when necessary, in addition to illusion for persuasion and minor chameleon spells. Plan on becoming a vampire at some point to further boost stats. All factions will be join and completed as well as any other quests allowed by level one characters. Any additional quests will be play at the end when I am forced to level in order to start them.
*Also note that I plan one killing umbra at some point and returning the sword for the Daedric item needed to complete the main quest. And the game will be played at default difficulty unless it becomes too easy, in which case I will increase it.*
Please tell me your opinions no matter how harsh they may be, I am still on the character creation screen now and I want a few outside sources before I seal the deal. I also checked out the UESP Wikipedia page for the best level one items available and considered them in my class creation. That's all I can think of and thanks in advance for you input!