What can be done with a horse apart from riding it around?

Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:46 pm

I just went to the uesp and there was something about spells and one of them being wastful but fortify spped is useful .... does this mean if i wanted to i could enchant a horse ??

also the uesp suggest not to fight well riding a horse but it can be done are you restricted to one type of weapon well on horse back or could i try archery and hit things from a distance ?

does this game have living npc that would turn into a perma corpse after it died like Morrowind did? and if so are there any living perma corpse horses ??

can horses be uses like a mobile storage container like the rats in the Mournhold exspansion for morrowind?

if im riding a horse and it dies out from under me will i take any damadge / die with it / be thrown off or something?
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Fam Mughal
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:51 am

Let me just address some of your questions. All my answers speak only to the normal (unmodded) game of Oblvion.

You cannot enchant a horse or equip an enchanted item onto a horse. You can, however cast any spell you like upon the horse. That is, you can for example cast a walk on water or fortify speed spell on your horse and for the duration of the spell (120 seconds max), it will be under the effects of that spell. You can also cast a command creature spell on your horse and for the duration, the horse will come to you, then follow you. You can also cast healing spells on your horse.

You cannot fight from horseback. You can try to outrun your enemy, but you cannot cast, shoot or hit from horseback. So, you have to dismount to fight.

Most of us agree that the primary value of horses in the game is from a roleplaying perspective. Horses can run faster than you at the beginning of the game, but most characters can outrun their horses later in the game. If you get onto another horse, your horse will assume you don't want her anymore and wander back to the stables it came from (often getting killed along the way). The game controls for riding a horse take a bit of getting used to, as they are different than moving your character somewhat. I love using horses, but will agree that objectively speaking, they are more trouble than they are worth.

Horses do not have any saddlebags or designed storage capacity. If you have the one horse in the game that is unkillable, then, if you are cruel, you can beat your horse unconscious, then access the poor beast's inventory to store or recover items. I'll leave it to you to decide if knocking your loyal horse out and stuffing your gear up her butt is a good idea. Don't let me shade your opinion about such a disgusting practice. :P

Most NPC bodies disappear three days after they die. A few, however, do not and become 'permacorpses'.

I've never had a horse die out from under me, so I don't know. I think most of us hop off to fight long before that happens.
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Brentleah Jeffs
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:13 pm

Horses do not have any saddlebags or designed storage capacity. If you have the one horse in the game that is unkillable, then, if you are cruel, you can beat your horse unconscious, then access the poor beast's inventory to store or recover items. I'll leave it to you to decide if knocking your loyal horse out and stuffing your gear up her butt is a good idea. Don't let me shade your opinion about such a disgusting practice. :P

Now I don't care who you are, that's funny right thar!!! :rofl:
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Colton Idonthavealastna
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:13 pm

I just went to the uesp and there was something about spells and one of them being wastful but fortify spped is useful .... does this mean if i wanted to i could enchant a horse ??

also the uesp suggest not to fight well riding a horse but it can be done are you restricted to one type of weapon well on horse back or could i try archery and hit things from a distance ?

does this game have living npc that would turn into a perma corpse after it died like Morrowind did? and if so are there any living perma corpse horses ??

can horses be uses like a mobile storage container like the rats in the Mournhold exspansion for morrowind?

if im riding a horse and it dies out from under me will i take any damadge / die with it / be thrown off or something?

is there any known reason why the Dev's decided to not be able to attack from atop a mounted horse? or did they just get lazy ?? or was all the animations / tweens or w/e get too confusing and didnt want to break the game to add that in?

(ive been trying to do animation at school and 2 alone is rather complicated i just semi figured out how to make and use a tween and if i try to edit the tween the animation it had changes it completly ... 1 animation i had tweened movedt eh object across the screen and slowly flipped it i tried to edit it so it would curl as it was doing that and then the programed switched that to it trying to make the 2d object spin vertically like it was a 3d object)
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Mrs shelly Sugarplum
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:59 am

is there any known reason why the Dev's decided to not be able to attack from atop a mounted horse? or did they just get lazy ??

Here is what one of the programmers had to say about mounted combat:
Just so you know, we're not terribly happy about not getting mounted combat in, either. We wanted it, but it just wasn't going to happen in the time we had -- not and implement a feature so significant with the polish and robustness it deserves.

That quote is posted at http://www.waiting4oblivion.com/developer_quotes_offsite.html#msfd26.
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A Lo RIkIton'ton
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:12 pm

Here is what one of the programmers had to say about mounted combat:

That quote is posted at http://www.waiting4oblivion.com/developer_quotes_offsite.html#msfd26.

is there a horse mounted combat DLC ? or only for PC from a user created mod ?

or if there is one was it included with the GOTY edition of the game? or is it again only available for PC ?
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Natalie Taylor
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:14 am

is there a horse mounted combat DLC ? or only for PC from a user created mod ?

or if there is one was it included with the GOTY edition of the game? or is it again only available for PC ?

Mods only.

Mounted Combat OBSE allows spellcasting while mounted and lets you trample pedestrians. It does not allow mounted archery or melee combat.

An archer with a horse can dismount and plink an enemy, then let his horse charge in and maul it.
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Ebony Lawson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:58 am

Mods only.

Mounted Combat OBSE allows spellcasting while mounted and lets you trample pedestrians. It does not allow mounted archery or melee combat.

An archer with a horse can dismount and plink an enemy, then let his horse charge in and maul it.

what does OBSE mean o.0 ?
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Kerri Lee
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:03 am

OBSE means OBSE. Oblivion Scripting Engine. It's a mod. Lots of mods that let you do things you can't do in the basic game require it. Get it from the usual sources.

I'm going to close this thread for trolling now. These forums cannot help those who have made no effort to help themselves.
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