Anyway,i hope sometime in the future,at least half of these will be fixed,and i will want to buy the game.
1) Auto-armor
2) CoD-like perks (modules)
3) CoD-like ranking up system (prestige and weapon level unlocks)
4) CoD-like firefights (spray and pray)
5) CoD-like maps (with a bit of verticality)
6) Cod-like killstreaks
7) One hit noob auto target melee
8) Air stomp = free kills
9) Bow svcks
10) Strafe speed slow as hell
11) No power struggle
12) Hackers
13) Stuttering/freezing even with newest drivers
14) Horrible hit detection
15) Overdone UI and effects/warnings
16) Cloak/armor not sharing same energy pool
17) No speed mode
18) Cloak slow
19) Consolized mouse input
20) Zero teamwork
21) Too much focus on stats and being "awesome".
22) unskippable "match highlights" which makes me miss the vote/equipment customize
That's pretty much it./Flamesuit