I have voiced my thoughts and concerns many times and although I'm sure many problems won't or can't be fixed, I'm hoping the important ones get some attention. \
Below are some of my wishes. I'm sure other admins have some other wishes of their own.
1) Ability to ban players from our servers by their Origin GUID
2) Ban List to include date of ban and reason (at least reasons)
3) Ability to move, Kill, Kick, Temp Ban, Perma-Ban[
4) Spectate Players
5) Improved Kick Window: The Kick window remains open while a vote kick is in progress with "Hit F1 to Vote" instructions
6) Server messages
7) Option to mute disruptive players from chatting (text chat)
8) Multiple simultaneous rcon connections to a server
9) K/D Kicker. a must for those times an admin is not monitoring server
10) Change map rotation on the fly as well as other rcon settings/commands
As important as a good anti-cheat can be, the resources an admin has to secure their servers is vital in keeping the cheats away.