Favorite characters and why

Post » Wed Feb 06, 2013 4:51 pm

So, a thread about your favorite characters on Vvardenfell, in Mournhold and on Solstheim. They can be both fairly unknown and famous.

For me, after cutting away the obvious people like Diviath Fyr, I find Sjoring Hard-Heart to be one of my absolute favorite characters in the game and the reason for that is simple. He isn't favorably described by others, and I wouldn't expect him to be, and he want you to do some pretty shady things, but this all seems to have been born out of protecting the Fighters Guild in a time when the Empire's decline is becoming obvious. As they say, the road to hell is paved with good intentions and that is why I like him. Very sad that he isn't more involved than he is.

What about you?
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