I don't use Steam, so I have no hands-on experience, and the info on the forums is hard to find and random.
So far I have this (mostly) confirmed:
- All mods, patches and tools work.
- You need to redate the BSA files. Simply running the Code Patch once will do this for you.
- You need to disable the Steam overlay for MGE to work. (but I have no idea what that means, but I assume it's done in the Steam settings?)
- The CS doesn't function, but with http://morrowind.nexusmods.com/mods/29388 it works as intended. (anyone confirm if this actually works?)
Some questions for Steam users...
- Where to install Morrowind? Is it the same for any Vista/Win7 users, or does the Steam version need a specific path to a Steam folder or anything like that?
- Does disabling the UAC have the same effect as changing install location for the Steam version as it does the original?
- Are there any tools that don't work? (FPS Opt. or a certain version of Wrye Mash or MGE, etc. etc)
- Anything else that needs to be explained?
Thanks guys and girls