My blind story through morrowind (new game)

Post » Thu Feb 07, 2013 2:11 pm

Hello folks , i got the game a few months back but never got the opportunity to try it properly , i did play for an hour or so earlier but i do not know the story and not even reached level 2. its 99.999% blind..

This is my first time telling a story or play style so please forgive me if it gets a bit boring....


Soo finally i reach morrowind , myself Raheal Mearn the highelf has been released by the Emperor himself . The reasons behind it are unknown to me as well ...maybe he has seen something which i haven't , or known something about me which i have not yet discovered.. This land is completely alien to me..but the smell of freedom after all those years feels great..


Before i went to prison , i used to stay with my grand father Maedhros Mearn , he never told me about my true parents or who they were, he always avoided that , but he did teach me in the arcane arts . Over the years in prison even though use of magic was banned, i had to use it frequently to avoid troubles but as i was not able to use it extensivly and practice i had forgotten the arts and became weaker...


Am finally free at last, i have been released in the town of Sayda Neen and need to go to Balmorra to speak with a man called Caius Cosades , but that can wait .. i need to get some new cloths . Besides Balmorra being the bigger city nearby , ill probably find something to do over there , a place to stay....

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