Aye, it just seemed like you forgot that.
What you are asking for is the removal of visor mode at higher levels... the only thing that they should really give the option to remove in the tag since other things such as weaknesses should help at higher difficulties and are there for a reason
A no HUD option would be good though. Well maybe just keep the energy bar
was asking for the highlights to be removed, not the visor entirely

Again, DE: Human Rev nailed this by allowing very specific highlights to be toggled.
You did mention awareness so I just assumed

I'm all up for this but I doubt they'll implement such a thing sadly. I think on Delta in Crysis you couldn't tag enemies, they weren't on the map either
I just started a Delta run on Crysis, they take longer to show up but definitely still appear eventually. I'm not sure what eventually makes them appear. It's a lot easier to avoid using though, as it's a very unobtrusive little map (at high resolutions anyway).