OK, Well now that I have Dead Space 3 on PC capped at 30 FPS with Vsync enabled why the hell have i already got 13 or more hours into it and Im not even half done.
The game is a fun game to play and has a lot of re playability and I have to admit as Viceral's Book planted on a desk in the game said something like "Viceral knows how to get your money"
When I saw that I was well pissed but then hours later I bought DLC. Why? Because its a fun game to play and is even funner when you play it over on the other difficulties.
As Viceral said they know how to get our money so who knows another DLC of new levels.
Then Aliens: Colonial Marines with I cant see how the Single Player experience wont be awesome for fans of the movie and well we all know how big that fan base is.
That is what Crytek and Crysis 3 is Competing with right now. So I have 2 brand new games that run awesome on my as all of you call it a dinosaur rig:
SLI GTX 260s
3Ghz Quad Processor
8 Gig Ram
Fast Hardrives in Raid 0
Vista Ultimate 64bit
Ranks 5.6 now on their Performance calc.
So why are none of you focusing on the Game Play? I mean a SP with only 7 Levels? FAIL
That Leaves MP. We as PC users know we need Dedicated Servers. I haven't been able to find an answer on that here yet but I will tell you Ded servers wont last forever and if the game doesn't sell well there wont be many.
So where is the incentive to buy this game NOW when 2 other PC games just got released. They are not crap games they are both AAA games?
Someone at Crytek really screwed up. I just dont see at all how they can compete with that. I mean there are some rich people that can go out and buy the game for 70, then a 400 dollar Graphics adapter to run it.
I cant since i wanted these other games first off. And I don't want to pay all this for a Bench Marking tool.
If Crytek had made a Graphical Equivalent to Crysis 2 which did get the HRez texture Patch, I may have bought it after all the reviews and I could afford it.
But Now There is no reason from what I am reading to buy it because:
Re playability .
I really have enough Shooters. I don't want another MP Shooter packed with hackers like I am already reading here. Furthermore I would say Battlefield 3 is the best Shooter out there. And it aint stopping. I mean damn look at all the DLC for that game. They svckered people into re buying the game called Premium even when they owned it for the DLCs and dog tags bla bla bla.
I admit Battlefield 3 is the funnest Military shooter I have ever played in my OLD life and I have played All the Popular ones.
Hence the reason I own the SLI 260 GTXs which just had new drivers released that support those cards.
QUESTION: So what is my point?
I loved Crysis. I supported the company with 2 preorders. I bought Warhead. All Hardcopy versions.
Even if Crysis 3 didn't measure up for a great SP and MP I would have bought it out of Dedication.
Thats where Crytek has Blown it.
Finally: You don't need High Rez Textures and the best looking Graphics to make an extremely fun, addictive money svcking game. aka Dead Space 2 and 3 , Battlefield 3.
Is there a chance Crytek could change their mind? Yea. I fear the arrogance will prevent them from making the move to make some more money by increasing their PC sales.
This hasn't been a rant. Ive just always been a huge fan of the game and company. By the time I could ever even possibly come up with in my opinion 600+ dollars of Graphics cards in SLI to run Ultra, Dedicated severs may be gone. The game may end up being like Medal of Honor Warfighter.
The End.
For those with the Doe Have fun though playing I look forward to seeing vids of walk through and MP.