I've been plagued by bugs on my old character mostly with my arms being different sizes so i started a new character and noticed it was still there but less noticeable and i was wondering if the pip-boy makes the arm different to the other?
I always love it when you get the random deathclaw like hands for fingers, once in a blue moon.
?God that bug still scares me but it's not what i'm talking about i mean one arm is thicker/thinner longer/shorter than the other only by a bit different but rather noticeable with T-51b where your right arm looks like it belongs to someone else.
Is it noticeable without T-51b? It could just be due to the lack of a wrist plate on the left hand while wearing PA.
?It's barely noticeable with other outfits and i don't think its the lack of a wrist plate because it's the upper arm thats fat. and I mainly use t-51b when i can get it so thats annoying.
I think i know why it's happening i think the arms are modeled differently as one has a pip-boy and the other does not so they are modeled to fit the pip-boy the other is not.
Re-sizing of your appendages happens every now and again. Changing up your gear usually fixes it and if not, saving and restarting the Xbox/game always does.
i have this bug on fallout three were the guys lower left arm seems rather small with their being a gap between the arm and the pipboy (instead of being locked tight.) luckily it only seems to appear when no wearing anything.
Re-sizing of your appendages happens every now and again. Changing up your gear usually fixes it and if not, saving and restarting the Xbox/game always does.
mostly with my arms being different sizes so i started a new character and noticed it was still there but less noticeable and i was wondering if the pip-boy makes the arm different to the other?
It just means your character is single and has been for a long time.