Small problem with an MWSE script

Post » Tue Feb 12, 2013 7:49 pm

I'm getting an error that says "BAD OBJECT POINTER" on my latest script. I've isolated the exact line that's causing the problem, and now I'm trying to figure out why. Here's the script. The lines that are commented out are the ones causing the error.

Begin FEZ_SpellScript
; MWSE script to fez npcs
; global script, started when equipping fez
; checks to see what npcs have been fezzed, or if the fez spell has been cast on the npc
; spell is attached to fez, and available in the player's spell inventory while fez is equipped

Short FEZtrigger
Short FEZstate
Short rand

Long npctarget
Long tmp

if ( MenuMode )

ifx ( FEZtrigger ) ;don't reset target if target is currently being fezzed
setx npctarget to xGetPCTarget

if ( npctarget == 0 ) ;player is not looking at anything

setx tmp to npctarget->xRefType
if ( tmp != 1598246990 ) ;if not type "NPC_"

xSetRef npctarget
set tmp to GetHealth
if ( tmp < 1 ) ;npc is dead, so return

xSetRef npctarget
set tmp to ( GetSpellEffects "FEZ_curseSpell" )
if ( tmp == 0 ) ;no spell effect detected
else ;get fezzed
set FEZtrigger to 1

xSetRef npctarget
set tmp to ( GetItemCount "FEZ_dinky_cursed" )
if ( tmp )
set FEZstate to 0 ;NPC is already fezzed
set FEZstate to 1 ;NPC is not fezzed

xSetRef npctarget
RemoveSpellEffects "FEZ_curseSpell"

ifx ( FEZstate ) ;state == 1, transform them

npctarget->xEquip "FEZ_dinky_cursed"

PlaySound "conjuration hit"

; xSetRef npctarget
; set tmp to ( GetItemCount "FEZ" )
; if ( tmp )
; Messagebox "Did my fez get smaller?"
; set FEZtrigger to 0
; return
; endif

Set rand to Random 100
xSetRef npctarget
set tmp to GetRace "Argonian"
if ( rand > 90 )
if ( tmp )
MessageBox "Did it get warmer in here?"
MessageBox "Why do I feel a draft?"
elseif ( rand > 80 )
if ( tmp )
MessageBox "Jokes on you. I make this look good."
Messagebox "My hair! What have you done to it?"
elseif ( rand > 70 )
Messagebox "How interesting, a tiny hat."
elseif ( rand > 60 )
Messagebox "Ha ha, very funny."
elseif ( rand > 50 )
Messagebox "Ah, what is it? Get it off. Get it off!"
elseif ( rand > 40 )
Messagebox "I sure hope you're pleased with yourself."
elseif ( rand > 30 )
Messagebox "Where did this hat come from?"
elseif ( rand > 20 )
Messagebox "I'll get you back for this."
MessageBox "What the?"

set FEZtrigger to 0

else ;state == 0, change them back
; first remove the items

xSetRef npctarget
set tmp to ( GetItemCount "FEZ_dinky_cursed" )
ifx ( tmp )
npctarget->xRemoveItem "FEZ_dinky_cursed" tmp
set tmp to ( tmp - tmp )

; now equip dummy armor and clothing to refresh their inventory

npctarget->xAddItem "FEZ_dinky_cursed" 1
npctarget->xRemoveItem "FEZ_dinky_cursed" 1

PlaySound "conjuration hit"

; xSetRef npctarget
; set tmp to ( GetItemCount "FEZ" )
; if ( tmp )
; Messagebox "And now my fez is restored. How are you doing that?"
; set FEZtrigger to 0
; return
; endif

Set rand to Random 100
xSetRef npctarget
set tmp to GetRace "Argonian"
if ( rand > 90 )
if ( tmp )
Messagebox "You were just jealous that I looked better in a fez than you."
Messagebox "Ok, now stop it. You're mussing up my hair."
elseif ( rand > 80 )
if ( tmp )
Messagebox "The fez, it is gone. Why is life so cruel?"
Messagebox "Thank goodness, my hair is back."
elseif ( rand > 70 )
Messagebox "Dignity restored. Thank you."
elseif ( rand > 60 )
Messagebox "Well, that was certainly an interesting experience."
elseif ( rand > 50 )
Messagebox "How are you doing that?"
elseif ( rand > 40 )
Messagebox "Ok, that was fun. Now stop it."
elseif ( rand > 30 )
Messagebox "Don't ever do that again."
elseif ( rand > 20 )
Messagebox "And now it's gone. Finally. Now I can get on with my day."
MessageBox "Aw, I was just getting used to it."

set FEZtrigger to 0



So why does it return an error if I'm checking for a FEZ but not the FEZ_dinky_cursed? Especially when the dinky cursed fez does not exist in the game world until the PC fezzes someone, whereas the regular fez is something I've dropped on a couple npcs (which is why I want to make a check for it in case the player "shrinks" their fez.)
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