I haven't seen a poster put that much work into the dying art of high quality trolling, nor have it work so well, in a long time now. He was hookin' 'em faster than he could land 'em for a bit there.....
Ditto. This sounds like a joke. If not, Morrowind would be torture for this guy.
I think this may be a joke as it is fairly amusing. If not, I don't think this is the game for you. If you can't be bothered with listening to the opening dialogue then you will be lost the whole game. This is after all an RPG so you can expect alot of dialogue and interaction with NPC's. Character development and story are two of the most important parts of any RPG.
Oh, for real? You weren't trolling or trying to be funny? Well then, as others have said, I don't think this game is for you.
I am pleased that you find this amusing as it was intentional, but I generally did struggle at those parts and am currently strapped for cash thanks to that gentleman.
Well, I find the OP's post both amusing and disturbing. Amusing, as there's been some strong opinions that Oblvion is "dumbed down". See http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3K5rGUBUnnQ. And disturbing, since it indicates that all the hand-holding especially in the beginning was for naught.
I love Oblivion but this is spot on. Particularly how most of the trouble could have been avoided if Jauffre used some common sense.
Yup, he does an outstanding job on pointing out the plot holes - and my fav pet peeve: the pop-ups.
Not to mention Martin's questionable decisions; "Holy shizzle this book is dangerous, better read it!" And taking to the battlefield despite the fact that his death would screw everyone.
The funniest part has to be the leader of the Mythic Dawn, David Cameron.
It happens frequently here. Moderators on these forums are, in my experience, much more patient and adjustable than moderators on other forums. Most of them are more than willing to clean the garbage out of a thread and reopen it with a warning, as Leydenne has done here.
Bethesda's moderators are one of the reasons this is one of the best, if not the best, gaming forums on the internet.
Yup, these are easily (IMO) the best on the internet.
Not to mention Martin's questionable decisions; "Holy shizzle this book is dangerous, better read it!" And taking to the battlefield despite the fact that his death would screw everyone.
The funniest part has to be the leader of the Mythic Dawn, David Cameron.
Don't you mean the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Cameron of the Conservative party?
Yea, that kinda gave it away since only someone knowlwedgable about the game would know that its Patrick Stewart voicing the emporer.
Um, or a Trekkie I knew it was him before I even got to the race puzzle screen. Between the opening video (once I adjusted graphics so it'd show) and his voice, I knew this was gonna be good :drool:
Um, or a Trekkie I knew it was him before I even got to the race puzzle screen. Between the opening video (once I adjusted graphics so it'd show) and his voice, I knew this was gonna be good :drool:
Yup, I'd know Captain Jean Luc Picard's voice anywhere.
Knew this was a joke after one or two sentences, but I read it all waiting for some kind of punchline. I was disappointed. Bad attempt at trolling. I can't understand how so many people thought it was serious...
Hey, Is this a joke? Im being serious. Or maybe a troll?
P.S.: Guy, if you didn't like this game for the reasons you mentioned, DO NOT PLAY MORROWIND. It's too clever for you, especially if you didn't even have the patience to read the dialogue at the beginning.
I would check out www.uesp.net or try getting the game guide. Your post was quite humorous, you are seeming to have trouble with the simplest things of the game. It's mainly common sense. And as for the single-player, It is a massive, open-ended world in which you may quest as you please. Bethesda is not one to make mmorpg's, World of Warcraft is available if you like. (Wait.. You like 'The Runescape')
The reason I re-opened the thread was because it seemed pretty evident that the OP was trying to be humorous - not necessarily trolling. But as you all probably know, accusations of trolling are frowned upon here - and I see quite a few., The thread didn't go anywhere - I gave it a shot. So... *click*