We have a system built into Crysis 3 that allows us to patch certain data files on the fly, behind the scenes. When we push out a patch there will be no "update available" message as it is automatically downloaded when you log in to Multiplayer. These updates do not affect Singleplayer in any way.
Patch A is the first patch and contains a lot of tweaks based on Open Beta feedback. We have decided to use letters to notate the fixes rather than numbers, to keep it clear and seperate from actual physical patches which must be downloaded through Origin/XBL and PSN.
Patch A changelist:
? Melee damage reduced, it now takes two hits to kill a player not in Armour mode if they have full health. If they have full health and full Armour it takes 3 hits.
? Predator Bow ADS sensitivity reduced
? PC ADS sensitivity reduced slightly from Open Beta feedback (75% of hipfire sensitivity)
? Marshall damage reduction (point blank damage modifier reduced, damage fall off increased)
? O.G.R recoil reduced to be more controllable during full auto fire
? Laser attachment hipfire spread reduction reduced slightly
? Pinger head rotation speed increased
? Swarmer base damage increased
? Predator Bow draw time reduced
? Pistol base damage increased 10%
? Weapon Pro Module targets reduced to lower targets
Please note we intend to do further work to the ADS sensitivity for PC players but this will come at a later date, this will hopefully allow you to specify your ADS sensitivity via a seperate CVAR.
If you see this at the bottom left of your main multiplayer screen, then you have the patch.

If you can not see it and this post says the patch is live, chances are your copy of the game didn't manage to download and verify it in time. Simply return to the Single Player menu and click back into Multi Player or restart the game, entering MP will usually resolve the issue as it will have been downloaded already but not verified.
If you do not have the patch you will be unable to play against players who do, so you may have less matches available to your (or no official dedicated servers on PC). This is very unlikely to happen and can be resolved by returning to the Single Player menu and back to Multi Player.
We intend to do further weapon balance tweaks as and when needed, keep checking on gamesas for the latest news.
Data Patch A Status:
X360: TBC