Crysis 3 a giant step back in Crysis goodness minus FUN

Post » Thu Feb 21, 2013 2:01 am

I am not trolling, nor am I bashing Crysis 3 BUT I am really disappointed after about 4 hours into the single player campaign for Crysis 3. I am playing at the Veteran difficulty and this game is still horribly easy BUT the real problem I have is much more than just easy FPS action. My problem is Crysis 3 feels like another very pretty yet extremely dumbed down, un-challenging, uninspired, game for the masses that EA wanted to make accessible to everyone. It screams COD style game play just in a different setting, where you Follow an NPC from Point A to Point B and basically can use any weapon to dispatch the bad guys. I have never seen such high quality game world environments and yet such boring gameplay within them.

Heck I just stood there un-cloaked and had two aliens just walk away after they attacked. I actually thought I was dead or about to be dead, so I was just waiting for the chance to relaod the Checkpoint but they just walked away and I was still alive. Another time I un-cloaked in plain sight of 3 Cell reinforcment troops, they all came after me one at a time, like taking turns, I just stood there as each slowly walked up to me so I shot each one and moved on.

BUT it's not even all that so much as the game design in Crysis 2 and 3 has become lazy, a simple 3d shooting gallery with not thought or learned skills required...none. You don't need to think at all in order to survive in Crysis 3. Just aim and shot anything you happen to be holding and never worry about running out of ammo, there are stockpiles all over the place. They have done everything possible to make sure there is not any challenge to this game, apparently EA didn't want to inconvenience gamers to actually PLAY their game, they prefer you to be more of a spectator. And your Nano Suit powers just don't seem important at all anymore, not like they were in Crysis 1. In Crysis 1, it was so enjoyable to experiment with using your Nano Suit and you NEEDED to become very familiar with it to survive. The game world was designed to be a tad punishing forcing players to learn what tools they had and how best to use them. In Crysis these tools are more gimmicks and are traditional Crysis features in name just don't need them like you did in Crysis 1.

I was one of those folks who felt Crysis 2 was a very watered down Call of Duty (COD) type game just wearing different graphics/story....I was really hoping the developers and publishers learned from Crysis 2 and would turn back towards a Crysis 1 type expierence and make Cyrsis 3 a more engaging game that required thinking, experimentation and developed skills over time from players in order to survive and eventually dominate and in-turn truly appreciate their efforts and the game expierence as a whole and also would have applauded the game developers who put genuine thought into the game that allowed such an expierence to play out. Instead it's so obvious EA followed a lazy, fail-safe development and end product path that COD titles use, that involves leading players by the nose through a very pretty environment and interesting (hopefully) story with uninspired and overly simplistic and gimmiky gameplay and in doing so have really runied the "Crysis" brand in my opinion.

So I just wanted to tell people to save your money. I am so sick and tired of this trend of game developers dumbing down games so the are accessible to everyone so they can sell more units. It is the loyal fans of the Crysis brand who really get shafted when EA boardroom bean counters make decisions like this and nueter a game like this.

Crysis 3 is a very pretty game, extremely easy and pretty darn boring in the gameplay department. IF you are looking to play an interactive movie OR are hankering for a COD type game with Aliens then Crysis 3 is for you. But if you were looking to sit down for some high quality, challenging and inspired Crysis goodness you won't find much of that here.
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Post » Wed Feb 20, 2013 11:39 pm

Wait a sec, you actually thought the game wouldn't be like Crysis 2? Didn't you watch any of the trailers?
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Post » Thu Feb 21, 2013 3:42 pm

I couldn't say it better.This is a spot on post on anything that is wrong with new games and sequels and consolification and codification and whatnot

I just wish developers saw these kind of posts once in a while.I don't know if being dumb is a new trend so they make dumb games,or they completely stoped caring about their game actually being a game.

TBH i recently played Hard Reset,which was an indie FPS,and it was A LOT more enjoyable than C3 or any new mainstream low IQ fps of the last years,and that's saying a lot
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