The visual effects and graphics are incomparable. I got a GTX 680 and everything was at VERY HIGH, except Antialiasing which was only at 2TX. Higher it was starting to be less smooth.
I enjoyed the game at the beginning. Very cool outside the dome. Once inside, things started to be different. It was very funny but I don't know. Too long grass sometimes isn't very interesting but at least we don't have to suffer too much in it. Just get over something

Where I was a bit disappointed is when I started to see a lot of aliens and it was only that everywhere. After a while, killing aliens is a bit boring.
Honestly, Having added some exploration underworld with civilians hidden like in Metro 2033. Something that gives you the impression that you are still part of humanity and that there's hope during the crisis.
That's it. I loved the graphics, I liked the beginning of the game with a very sense of atmosphere but the end is like any other game with full of aliens to kill and a huge boss to take care of à LA DOOM 3