This game could be awesome if you would do something to block hackers/cheaters. I'm tired of seeing these players skip across the screen and when you shoot at them they disappear to another spot and pull off a one shot kill to the chest with a pistol. Or what's even better is when you get shot by an arrow in the leg from clear across the map and die. How can an arrow to the leg kill you in the first place when it takes a sniper two shots to the chest. The hunter bow shouldn't be able to do that much damage. I know that part isn't caused by hacking. But when a player shoots you with an arrow and he's not even aiming at you. Or when he aims and shoots really fast and just happens to lead you perfectly every time and get a head shot is impossible. That's gotta be from hacking. And i thought patch A was supposed to make it where it took More than one melee hit to kill and enemy. I have these players run by really fast and and melee me once (actually they dont even hit me when watching the kill cam) and they get a kill after i have unloaded a clip in their chest. Also when there is a delay when shooting a player. They have time to turn and shoot once and kill you right before they die. I could go on all night with things that people are doing but that would take too long.
With all that I'm still doing pretty good though. Ranked at like 116 on Xp and kills. But I am so sick and tired of hackers that tonight is my last night playing this game. I'm not even going to give the single player a chance. And that's disappointing because it could be an amazing game. So please, for other players, do something about the hacking, cheating, using aim bots, and rapid fire mods. I'm tired of spending $60+ on a game that I can't even enjoy because its so easy for people to hack. If there is a way to hack there is a way to block it. What joy do people get by cheating anyways? If you have to cheat to win then you need to find a new hobby. Stop ruining it for everyone else.
So, Crytek, you did a good job on the game but it has a lot of issues. Especially with hackers.