The video: Is just a look at the options for setting up a private game. I know that not may be a big deal for a lot of people, but I gotta say I've always preferred private games over randoms any day, no matter what the game.
I think it's an exceptional option for gaming communities (I'm a member of a few) as it's easier to arrange private scrims, and it's also easier for the larger communities to arrange matches with an equal balance of skilled players and making sure it's not a team of Rambos versus... well Muppets.
Link to vid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=seKBlKcMosU
Stuff about me: I'm a 50 year old gamer, yeah you read it right., five zero, but despite my neurones now working at the speed of a sloth on dope, I can still get the odd decent game in, although in the cause of honesty I gotta say that if you see a player wandering around the middle of a map looking for streetsigns, the chances are high you've stumbled across me in game

I have a small (about 1k subs) channel on yt, where as well as posting regular game clips I tend to discuss all kinds of 'life' stuff. I'll be doing a 'hello Crysis Community vid shortly.
For Other Small Channels: If you;re like me, you know how hard yt growth can be, one of the ways in which you can get some attention from other channels is with Video Responces, so I'll say here 'n' now, if you're making crysis vids do feel free to link them as video responces, I'll gladly accept them (as long as they're fairly relevant) and I'll also check out your channel and send a like & a tweet your way

Looking forward to getting to know the community!