Besides the annoyance of spawning way too close to other players on some of the maps, this is the factor which id like to see changed the most. Whenever another mode than (sometimes hunter and) (t)dm is running, most or a significant, balance-altering number of players ignore the objective or simply go near the corresponding areas to mow down the ones really caring for the pod, spear, relay etc. often times this behavior starts later into the round when morale breaks in among the losing party. They dont/no longer care about carrying the flag, they are obsessed with their K/D ratio (which can be manipulated easily anyway by avoiding servers with good competition). If the Kills/Deaths were not counted or simply integrated (as a LOW percentage, staying close to the flag runner or retrieving ones own flag should count for so much more) into their overall score in an invisible manner, things would change so quickly, making the "boring" modes much more attractive.
your thoughts?