I switched to the Feline and then the Grendel after the SCAR started acting up, and I haven't had the issue again, but I didn't play too much past that point. Has anyone else noticed that they suddenly can't carry as much ammo? I thought I saw a similar post the other day, but I didn't find it in the first several pages of the PC forum.
This reminds me of the bug in Crysis 1, WH, and 2, where rocket launcher ammo would often disappear from my inventory and from the game world on a reload.
Update: It seems I now have a permanent deficit of SCAR ammo. Sometimes if I pick up a SCAR, it will say I have -80 (that's negative) spare rounds, sometimes It'll show the infinity symbol. In any case, I usually can't have more than what's currently in the magazine. If I walk over another SCAR, it will say OUT OF AMMO, then CANNOT CARRY MORE. It can get back to normal if I carry both a SCAR and a SCARAB, but they're sharing the ammo, and I revert back to 40 or zero spare rounds if I drop one of them.
This svcks. The SCAR works fine if I go back to an early save (in the first chapter), but my current save is screwed ever since I equipped the extended ammo attachment at some point in the second chapter.