Patch A changelist:[/b]
? Predator Bow ADS sensitivity reduced
Which should mean that the Bow ADS speed has been changed independently of all other weapons.
Sadly, this is not the case. Nothing has changed.
I tested for about an hour now, made sure the Data Patch was online, and I even made this nice little video:
And just for you to compare, here's the same test done in the Beta (but without the fancy annotations...):
And the result: Nothing. Has. Changed.
And I'd really like to know why? I may have more problems with this than other people, but Crytek acknowledged the issue and repeatedly and specifically mentioned that the bow would get and did get a separate ADS change. Only the bow. Not the other weapons.
That would mean, there would have to be a difference between the pure Beta (the Xbox NEVER got the Data Patch back then) and the retail version WITH the Data Patch. But there isn't. The speed for a 360° turn in ADS with the Zoomed Bow and an Un-Zoomed weapon are still the same.
And taken together with several reports of melee damage and Pinger turn speed being unchanged AFTER the patch, I might suspect that the patch does not really work all that well...