» Sat Feb 23, 2013 4:30 am
on Airport a guy was camping in a bush and i sat behind him in stealth and just watching him for 2mins to see how exciting his gameplay was. he shot 4 arrows, got 1 kill. uncloaked...recharged and then back to cloak. as I sat there, i was in awe at the boring gameplay. I stood up, killed him and tea bagged his dead body until it disappeared.
Hahahaha that's the way of the warrior my friend, Crysis 2 was beast for it's anti-camp gameplay I loved destroying them (but also hating campers at the same time) as soon as they start sniping and/or camping in a lil corner thinking I didn't know they were there. I can't stand camping in the majority of games, and Crysis 2 was my idol for that aspect of play.