Hey FPS fans! Are you that guy in COD whose favorite and Only tactic is to Hide in Out of the Way, hard to see places on the map & wait for enemies to walk by and shoot them in the back?!
Then Crysis 3 is the game for you!!! In fact, it was made for you...and only YOU!!!

Dont like shooting people who can see you at all? Don't worry you dont have to!
Don't like having to aim precisely? Not here!
Don't like having to aim while being shot at or any return fire? We got you covered!
Don't like having to hit the fire button more than once to kill someone? We got too many 1 shot kills for you to choose from!
In fact, we Love you guys so much we'll even let you jump on an enemy's head and kill him instantaneously while invisible!
So come on in, we won't make you work for ANYTHING!!!!