Despite all the negative feedback which some people have posted around the internet regarding Crysis 3 I still believe that Crytek should be congratulated for what they achieved with Crysis 3 and the Crysis series in particular.
Some people seem to have unrealistic expectations when it comes to how games should evolve over time, and I guess it is in some ways Crytek's fault by producing such far reaching games as Far-Cry and Crysis.
Despite the fact that Crysis 3 uses the Crysis Engine as Crysis 2, there are obvious improvements that anyone with a honest eye to see would appreciate. Yeah sure the storyline may not be "very" long but obviously Crytek made a design decision and invested their time in improving on a greater degree of the game other then just the storyline itself.
Obviously no game developer is under any contractual obligation to design a game to anybodies standard other then their own. We as gamers and customers are by our own freewill allowed to decide for ourselves whether we like the game or not, but too many people are pounding on the doors of Crytek so to speak accusing them of this or that and saying they should have made the game better, or like this etc.
Despite the bugs (I have noticed a few myself), no one really has any right to tell Crytek how they should have created Crysis 3, or what they consider they did wrong. I reckon some people should be locked in a room for 280 days and forced to play games like Asteroids and Pac-Man to really appreciate how far games have come these days. Alot of the games these days are they type I had dreamed about back in the 90s. Consider what gaming will be like in another 10 years.
Anyway, enough negative banter, one again cheers Crytek, you have obviously put alot of effort into the Crysis series and I salute you for that
