» Sat Feb 23, 2013 5:14 pm
I really don't get the point of your post. Like you said, if you like consoles then go for it, it's all preference. I go back and forth between PC and consoles because I get tired of outdated hardware on consoles, and waiting for them to release a new one.
Who ever said every PS4 is going to include a "Move 2"? I watched the Sony press conference, and they did mention the move, but I'm pretty sure it was the same move from before, and they never said it was going to be included in every console they sell. And PC does have a controller equivalent to the move. I've never tried it, but it sounds interesting, has support in tons of games, and is made by Razer which kicks serious ass. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16826153093 I hear it's supposed to be more accurate, and is compatible in a lot of games, not sure how good that compatibility is though. The PS3 has very limited compability for the move. There are only a handful of games that use it. Yeah, Killzone 3 was pretty fun with the move, but you bought $100 controller to have a little more fun in a couple of games then using a controller. And I personally like controllers and keyboards/mice. They've worked well over the years, and it seems like a lot of this motion sensing stuff is really just gimicky. I don't think any motion sensing device will ever be as precise or as intuitive as controllers or keyboard/mice. Which of those two you choose is personal preference.
Also, almost every PC game out there today has native support for the 360 controller. I'm actually amazed at how good the support is for it lately. And with Steam's Big Picture Mode if you want the console experience you've pretty much got it. The 360 controller support is built into the DirectX API as well. Haven't heard anyone complaining about controller support for Crysis 3, but if they are it is because most because games support it and it would be kind of sad if this one didn't. Crysis 1 and 2 had great controller support. Played the 2nd one through a couple of times with controller. So if W,A,S,D has got you down there are options.
I believe the true problem with the PC platform is lack of support from developers. Consoles are so profitable that they will do whatever they have to to patch bugs and what not. With PC they have to assess losses if they don't patch and gains if they do patch, and whichever is most profitable they go with. There's also the whole problem with supporting such a variety of hardware. Most PC games have to scale from PS3 type hardware up to high end setups. Like look at Far Cry 3. I thought I was the only one, but I've heard several other people complain now, the game runs like ****. I imagine consoles are also a lot cheaper to develop for.
I'm really excited for the PS4. Sounds like a pretty significant upgrade in graphics, and you don't have to deal with all of the issues you have on PC. Right now though, I think games on PS3 just look horrible. They've tried to push games too far on really old technology, which, to me, results in kind of a crappy experience (with the 30 fps and lower resolutions). Truth is though, PC usually always gets technology before consoles do. It's just a pain in the ass to have to deal with drivers and what not. Like the new dedicated chip for video decompression/compression on the PS4, PC has already had those for some time, albeit the software will be much simpler and accessible on PS4.
I don't think I've ever heard of any PC gamer refer to themselves as "elitist." It's true, especially right now, that PC always has the nicest graphics and the latest and greatest technology because they don't have to wait for an entire new console generation, instead new GPU's are released on a nearly yearly basis. Compare Battlefield 3 on a high end PC setup to PS3 and it becomes obvious that PC right now is leaps and bounds beyond consoles. I think console fanboys just take offense when they hear a PC gamer brag about how great their graphics look in comparison to a console, but it's the truth. It's a pain in the ass to deal with. So that's just that, it all comes down to preference. I don't see how PC is a stale platform, they have just about everything a console has.
So, stop labeling PC people as "elitists." If anyone is to blame for any shortcoming in the PC scene it's developers, and a lot of your arguments make very little sense. If anything is stale, it's consoles with their outdated hardware. What innovation is it you're looking for on PC?