(Join Now!)
This is a Xbox 360 group only

Hunters rally the time has come!
To join forces and kick Cell a**
What is the Hunter Pack? Just a place/group where we play for fun, talk about Crysis related stuff and take our skills online.
Want to join? It's simple!
Just leave a reply saying you want to join and also type in your Gamertag so that you're an official member.

So what are you waiting for? Become the ultimate hunter in the "Hunter Pack" now!

Just PM me if you want more info on this group...
(We play all modes TDM, Crashsite, Spears and Hunter and others)
:Hunter Elites: (People who are in charge of group)
LonelyPropfet (GT: chilled4life)
1# chilled4life
3# Luckyman285