I'd just like to know,has any of you guy's experienced any glitches/issues with the game?
So I'm playing on the PS3 and +- 3 to 4 hours in to it and there's a few problems i've encountered.
Firstly I've had random enemy spawns,that I'd be walking around "stalking" and boom all of a sudden a enemy just spawns right in front of me or close to me.
Second glitch I've had weapons disappear out of my hands,I had a invisible bow but still usable until I swop weapons around then it's back to normal "and no I'm not in stealth :p "
Third I've had enemies float a few feet from the floor and enemies stuck in walls and then the last and most irritable glitch of them all is penetrating gun fire,I've been shot trough walls,boulders,rocks basically any cover you can think of,even closed doors and solid walls. Can any of you guy's confirm some of these issues I'm having. I'm really sad about this seeing my Crysis 2 experience was one of those unforgetable moments in gaming history